Hi all,
If you had said to me five years ago that I would set up a blog and
still be writing posts in five years’ time, I would not have believed you. Mainly because things like blogs often don’t
have longevity without gaining financial incentive but also because there was a
significant chance that I could have had a nervous breakdown at some point
during that five years rendering me unable to write blogs or anything else for
that matter.
So I feel it is an occasion to mark and I am going to do this in the
form of five blogs starting tomorrow and posted each day until the anniversary
on 15 June. They will each thank five
different ‘groups’ of people, people without whom I wouldn’t be able to write
this today, people to whom I owe a huge amount of debt and gratitude for what
they have given me, knowingly or unknowingly over the years. Each of the five categories has been
deliberately and carefully chosen so to encompass as many of the people I can
that have contributed to my stability from crippling anxiety. This hadn’t long
left me back on 15
June 2012, but now it is buried much deeper, allowing me to live a more
fulfilling life, albeit not without its anxiety and non-anxiety related
The fact is, without the influence of these other people, I dread to
think where I would be.
This blog is the introduction to this series and to set the scene. Where was I five years ago and where am I now?
15 June 2012
15 June 2017
3 days away from my 25th birthday
3 days away from my 30th birthday
Living situation
One month into my first ever house-share situation; only just moved
out of my parents’ home
Two years owning a home having shared two different houses for about
2.5 years previously
Four years into my job at a local authority
Three and a half years into my job with a charity
Four years since graduating
Nine years since graduating
Relationship status
Days after finishing fifty sessions of CBT
None since the aforementioned CBT concluding five years prior
Several still living in Stafford
As aforementioned, with friendships even stronger if anything
Not close with any except parents
As aforementioned; mum has recently been diagnosed with dementia
No. blog posts
134 (assuming I post these six as planned!)
Anxiety level (/10)
6, ranging from 5 to 9
3, ranging from 2 to 6
Overall happiness (/10)
3, ranging from 1 to 5
6, ranging from 5 to 8
I appreciate that I am writing this five days in advance of the
comparison, but unless I suddenly find the girl of my dreams, get sacked and as
a consequence my home becomes repossessed this side of Thursday, I can be
fairly confident that what I have put here will still be the case. What this shows is some definite improvements
which, okay, may come naturally with age. But aside perhaps from the
relationship status, everything else that has changed has come as a surprise in
the past, as indeed has not requiring any more therapy. I never thought after
finishing those CBT sessions that ‘that would be it’ – of course, it may yet
not be.
You can read through my blogs for more context but at that I will leave
it for now. All it remains for me to write
by way of an introduction is twofold:
What are my top five most read blogs in the past five years?
on… again (22 May 2015)
The New
Job (19 January 2014)
(5 July 2015)
The Shared House (8 March 2015)
Confidence Issue (27 July 2014)
I wish to also draw your attention to some of my favourite blogs and series:
Seven Steps to Stability series (May 2014)
The Anxiety@ series (starting
with this one) (November 2014 – March 2015)
(constructive) rant about social media (November 2016)
plea to government about mental health in schools (January 2017)
And finally, as I’ve said, the next five blogs, one to be posted each
day up to and including Thursday, the fifth anniversary of this blog, will
thank those people that made me jump from a 3 to a 6 out of 10 for happiness
and fall from a 6 to a 3 in terms of anxiety in those five years.
Thank you ALL!
Best wishes,
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