Thursday 21 June 2012

A bit about me...

So I've set the scene in the anxiety sense, but what is it that keeps me going?

As I said in my first blog, I'm 25 years old and I live in Stafford.  I'm not a stand up comedian unfortunately, and instead I work in the sustainability section of a local authority.  Yes I was lucky to get the job... I left University in 2008, and within a few weeks started an unpaid graduate scheme in Stoke.  The current authority I work for then offered me unpaid work experience because I didn't know what to do.  So all in all, I was working unpaid for over 7 months... but it was experience in a field I was interested in.  I was becoming anxious at this stage about my future, but luckily the current authority offered me a casual paid post in January 2009, which turned permanent in April 2009.  I'm still there now and as I said I am very grateful that I left Uni then and not now, otherwise they wouldn't have had the money to employ me!

My main role is to protect the county from severe weather and climate change, which basically involves numerous risk assessments and patronising people by telling them that they might get a bit wet.

I did my degree at Staffordshire University in Stoke (commuted from home) in Physical and Environmental Geography.  Due to my circumstances (anxiety...) I wanted to live at home, so this was ideal.  Unfortunately I didn't make the most of Uni in the first two years but I loved it in the final year... despite all the work.  I was in a good place for most of that period.

Interests?  Blogging, clearly.  But my main interests are football (Liverpool FC fan, opinions on a postcard please) and creating electronic music on my PC.  I'm also lucky enough to live near to Cannock Chase and I'm beginning to appreciate the outdoors more and more; consequently, I do plenty of walking.

I live in a house share which is about 4 miles away from 'home,' i.e. where my parents live.  The rest of my small family live in Warwickshire, with my Gran, Uncle, Aunty and Cousin living near Rugby where I was born, and my other Aunty and Uncle living near Leamington Spa.

The best thing about my personal life though is my friends.  I'm not going to lie, I don't have many people who I can truly class as friends.  I don't even have many Facebook friends, which is surely a social failure in today's age??  However, I'm lucky enough to have some extremely close friends, one of whom I live with, another of whom shares my music creating hobby with me. 

On the surface that's about it. 

It all looks rosy huh?  Yes, all of this is great and the achievements listed above haven't gone unnoticed.  I'm also extremely grateful for what I do have, something I have learnt to be over the last year or so.  But it has been bloody hard work getting here and remains so at times.  Such is life.

Right, I've done setting the scene now.  Future blogs will be based around certain themes to do with anxiety, my experiences and general opinions.  Excited?  No me neither :p

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